Find The Index Of The First Occurrence In A String


Given 2 strings - haystack and needle.

Problem statement

Find the index of needle substring if present in haystack and return starting index of the first occurrence, else return -1.

Intuition: Use Window Sliding technique

Idea is to iterate from 0 till length of haystack - length of needle, this will help us not to overrun the last index.


function find_occurence{

    loop i: 0 to haystack.length-needle.length{

        haystack.substring(i, i+needle.length) == needle

        return index


    return -1



haystack: hadel, needle: ade

In first iteration,

    haystack substring from 0, 0+3 is had.

    checking had equal to ade

    not equal going to next iteration.

In second iteration,

    haystack substring from 1, 1+3 is ade

    checking ade equals to ade

    true, return index i i.e., 1

Complete Java Implementation
    class Solution {
        public int strStr(String haystack, String needle) {
            // taking lengths of both the given strings

            int ln = needle.length();
            int lh = haystack.length();

            for (int i = 0; i <= lh - ln; i++) {

                // checking if substring of haystack of size needle string from
                // current index to the needle string.
                if (haystack.substring(i, i + ln).equals(needle)) {
                    // we found needle string in haystack, we'll return index i
                    // to save time and computation, since we only need index of
                    // first occurence.
                    return i;
            // Finally we return -1 since we haven't found needle in haystack :)
            return -1;

